The 62nd North Fist Master Lord Jagi

took long time to make it.
However, I need more to work on to make better and better.
Specially, thanks for all creators who I studied MUGEN states from their cns files.
If I couldn't see their work, I wasn't able to do this.
I'm sure this is partly work in progress so when you have some clue with playing him,
plase notice me through e-mail.
You don't have to report that you downloaded the character.

Here is the link.
Be careful the size of unzipped file. It's 100MB over.
(05/06/18)If you wanna have English patches for explanations and fixed patches, click HERE.
His AI patch has been made! It's HERE!!English varsion will be made later.
DO NOT put direct link to download it.
Please link top page( instead.
When the link is broken, plase realize me in any way. Thanks